Model Answer

Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school
You should say: 
    What the activity was
    How often you did the activity
    Who you did it with
    And explain why you enjoyed doing it

ScorefactoryIELTS Speaking Model Answers
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Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school.
You should say what the activity was how often you did the activity who you did with and explain why you enjoy doing it.
One activity.
I fondly remember from my primary school days is participating in art class.
This was a weekly activity, every Thursday afternoon,
and it was the highlight of my week. In art class,
we were encouraged to express our creativity through various mediums painting, drawing, clay modeling and more.
I usually did these activities with my classmates and sometimes we worked in groups for a larger projects. Our art teacher,
Johnson, was incredibly supportive and nurturing, always providing us with positive feedback and encouragement.
I enjoyed art class immensely because it was a break from the usual structured learning.
It allowed me to express my imagination and creativity without any constraints.
The joy of seeing my ideas take shape on paper or in clay was incomparable.
These classes sparked my lifelong love for art and creativity.
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Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school.
You should say what the activity was was, how often you did the activity who you did with it with and explain why you enjoy doing it.
One activity.
I fondly remember from my primary school days is participating in art class.
This was a weekly activity every Thursday afternoon.
And it was the highlight of my week and art class.
We were encouraged to express our creativity through various mediums painting drawing clay modeling and more.
I usually did these activities with my classmates and , and sometimes we worked in groups for a larger projects a larger project a an art teacher.
Johnson was incredibly supportive and nurturing nurturing, always providing us with positive feedback and encouragement.
I enjoyed art class in monthly because it was a break from the usual structured learning.
It allowed me to express my imagination and creativity without any constraints.
The joy of seeing my ideas take shape on paper or in clay was incomparable.
These classes sparked my lifelong love for art and creativity.
초등학교 시절에 기억에 남는 활동 중 하나는 미술 수업에 참여했던 것입니다. 매주 목요일 오후에 진행된 이 활동은 제 일주일의 하이라이트였습니다.

미술 수업에서는 그림, 드로잉, 클레이 모델링 등 다양한 매체를 통해 창의력을 표현하도록 장려했습니다. 저는 보통 반 친구들과 함께 이런 활동을 했고, 때로는 더 큰 프로젝트를 위해 그룹으로 작업하기도 했습니다. 미술 선생님이셨던 존슨 선생님은 항상 긍정적인 피드백과 격려를 아끼지 않으셨고, 믿을 수 없을 정도로 지원과 격려를 아끼지 않으셨습니다.

미술 수업은 일반적인 정형화된 학습에서 벗어난 휴식처였기 때문에 정말 즐거웠습니다. 아무런 제약 없이 제 상상력과 창의력을 마음껏 표현할 수 있었죠. 제 아이디어가 종이나 점토로 구체화되는 것을 보는 기쁨은 비교할 수 없을 정도였죠. 이 수업은 예술과 창의성에 대한 제 평생의 사랑을 촉발시켰습니다.
Band 7-9 Expressions
Creativity - 창의성
Mediums - 매체
Supportive - 지지하는
Imagination - 상상력
Về trang trước
Part 2
Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school

Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school
You should say: 
    What the activity was
    How often you did the activity
    Who you did it with
    And explain why you enjoyed doing it

Model Answer
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Describe an activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school
You should say: 
    What the activity was
    How often you did the activity
    Who you did it with
    And explain why you enjoyed doing it

150 SECS
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