kiểm tra lại: IELTS lớp học
아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시

아이엘츠 시험후기 스피킹 7.0, 라이팅 6.0

  • 87E98D35-9A1E-4D64-8471-CE6E69C9CDAF.jpeg


  • 선생님 Jenny (jenny)
    졸업여부 졸업




    Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



    Part 1

    Q. What type of house do you live in now?

    Q. What do you like the most about your home?

    Q. What type of house would you like to live in?

    Q. Have you planted flowers?

    Q. Have you sent flowers to anyone?

    Q. When you were young, where did you go with your family?

    Q. Where do you usually go alone?

    -> 혼자 유럽여행갔다고 하니까 이유 말하기도 전에 흥분하면서 why? 라고 물어보셔서 당황했습니다..


    Part 2: Natural talent

    -> do you think you can improve the skill?


    Q. How people use artistic talent?

    -> 제가 ordinary people도 artistic talent 사용한다고 하고 제 예시를 든다고 하니까 about ordinary people로 얘기하라고 하시더라구요.. 

    그래서 그냥 drawing 할때 사람들이 talent사용하게 되고 이때 무슨 컬러를 쓸지에 대해서 그들의 creativity와imagination을 이용하게 된다라고 했는데,, 잘모르겠네용 ㅠㅠ


    Q. Why people watch talent show?

    여기서 사람들이 exceptional talent를 보고싶어서 본다고 얘기했더니

    추가질문으로 사람들이 어떻게 exceptional talent를 가지고 사회에 contribute하는지에 대해서 물어보셨는데,

    제가 다시 말해달라고 하니까 엄청 빠르게 래퍼처럼 갑자기 얘기하셔서 그냥 이번에 백신만드는 데에 과학자들이exceptional talent를 얘기했는데 문법 몇개 틀려가면서 얘기한 것 같네용..ㅎ


    저는 정말 스피킹 7.0이 남얘기인줄 알고 1년은 공부해야하는 줄 알았는데 열심히 하면 정말 그만큼의 결과가 오는 것 같아요. 저는 단 하루도 빠짐없이 하루에 12시간씩 공부하면서 6시간을 스피킹에 투자했습니다. 


    제니선생님이 스크립트 봐주신거 달달 외우고 선생님께서 알려주신 표현, 단어들 노트에 다 필기하면서 입에 익숙해질때까지 외웠습니다. 선생님께서 단어 발음 지적해주시면 끝나고 캠브릿지 사전들어가서 발음 익히면서 맥북으로 시리가 제 발음 못알아들으면 알아들을때까지 말했었네요.. 여러분 정말 열심히 하시면 저처럼 다들 성적받으실 수 있을 거에요!! 저도 다른분들 후기보면서 나도언젠간 되겠지라는 생각 했는데 5개월동안 그렇게 열심히 하니까 되네요 ㅎㅎㅎ

    그리고 제니선생님께 너무 감사합니다❤️

    Thank you very much, Jenny!!

    이제 미쿡수의사 준비하러 갑니다!! 모두들 화이팅 하세요!!


    추천인 2

    • June00
    • 아이엘츠뿌게자!


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    T.JENNY 21.06.16.
    First of all, I thank God for listening to my prayers. I prayed that you passed this exam and He granted it. I already said my words of congratulations to you on Skype Dohee, so I won't say it here again.
    To my future students, do your best and God will do the rest. I always believe that our intelligence and skills as humans are nothing if we are sick. The fact that we are healthy is a huge blessing because it gives us freedom to do what we want and achieve our goals. Also, happiness while studying English is important. I will help you achieve your IELTS goal, but you have to help yourself too. Let us work together well so that you dont need to take the IELTS exam repeatedly. Fighting!!! :) stay healthy and happy always :)

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    wodnjs88 21.06.18.
    축하합니다! 저도 열심히 공부해야겠어요ㅠㅠ! 자극받고 갑니당!

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